j’aime le beefsteak, originally uploaded by benaston.
I’ve always liked meat. As a young boy I was inspired by Joe, my brother, who would always remind us that, ‘I like mmmeat’. (It’s very important to hold onto the mmm sound to create a delicious onomatopoeic take on the word p.s.)
So, there I was, North End road on a Friday afternoon and everything was shutting down for the day. Dickenson?s Quality Meats, the butcher with a lot of meat in the window caught my eye. In a McFlurry of confusion and in a genuine meat eater frame of mind, I found myself asking for two steaks. That was a bad move. They were huge. And only ?6. Bargainlicious. But being the ever restrained man that I am, I had the presence of mind to sheepishly suggest that perhaps one was enough for the family.
Nice new refrigerator. It still has the plastic wrap on it!